Bagel with horseradish and smoked salmon Rezept zurück zur Rezeptübersicht

Zubereitungszeit: 15 Minuten
Schwierigkeit: normal
2 | sesame bagels |
100 g | cream cheese |
4 TL | h or seradish spice oil |
1 Prise | salt and pepper |
1 EL | honey |
100 g | smoked salmon |
30 g | cress |
120 g | walnuts or cashew nuts |
2 | fresh figs |
Puree cream cheese, horseradish spice oil, honey, salt and pepper with a hand blender until creamy. Cut bagels in half, toast for a few minutes in the oven or toaster and smear with the horseradish spread. Place the smoked salmon on the bagel halves and scatter over with cress. Wash figs, cut into thin slices and drape on the bagels. Garnish with chopped walnut kernels.