Hot chocolate Rezept zurück zur Rezeptübersicht

Zubereitungszeit: 15 Minuten
Schwierigkeit: normal
10 g | cocoa powder |
30 g | dark chocolate (chopped) |
1 TL | cinnamon almond spice oil |
400 ml | whole milk or almond milk |
1 EL | honey |
2 | cinnamon sticks |
Bring milk to the boil in a pot while stirring. Reduce to low heat, add finely chopped dark chocolate (put a few crumbles on the side for garnishing) and dissolve while stirring. Stir in honey and cocoa powder. Remove from heat, add cinnamon almond spice oil and whisk. Pour the drink in preheated mugs, sprinkle with a little dark chocolate and garnish with one cinnamon stick per cup.