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Vanilla biscuits Rezept zurück zur Rezeptübersicht

Vanilla biscuits Zutaten für 8 Personen

Zubereitungszeit: 20 Minuten

Schwierigkeit: einfach


4 egg yolks
75 gcoconut flower sugar
4 TLvanilla almond spice oil
zest of one organic lemon
50 galmond flour
30 gspelt flour
1 TLbaking powder
100 gground hazelnuts
1 ELcream

Whisk 3 egg yolks with coconut flower sugar. Stir in vanilla almond spice oil and lemon zest. Add spelt flour, almond flour and baking powder and mix. Add the ground hazelnuts in small portions and work into a smooth dough.

Preheat the oven to 160 °C fan. Roll out the dough to 1 cm thick and cut out with a biscuit cutter. Place on a baking grid with parchment paper and leave some space between the biscuits.

For the glaze, whisk one egg yolk with a tablespoon of cream and brush on the biscuits. Bake for around 10 minutes on the middle rack of the oven and allow the biscuits to cool.

Coconut flower sugar refines many baking recipes with its delicious caramel aroma and can be used instead of cane sugar. It is made from the sap of the coconut flower. The human body processes coconut flower sugar slower than other high-glycemic sweeteners and leads to a slower energy release. As a result, you are saturated for a longer time and the blood sugar level remains relatively stable. This makes coconut flower sugar a good alternative for diabetics.

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