Barbecue sauce Rezept zurück zur Rezeptübersicht

Zubereitungszeit: 10 Minuten
Schwierigkeit: normal
6 EL | barbecue spice oil |
2 | red onions |
4 EL | tomato vinegar ( or white wine vinegar) |
3 EL | coconut flower sugar or cane sugar |
2 TL | coarse mustard (type Dijon) |
1 EL | soy sauce |
250 g | tomatoes |
2 TL | tomato paste |
½ TL | sea salt |
1 Prise | black pepper |
½ Bund | parsley |
juice of one lime |
Cut onions and tomatoes into dice and roughly chop parsley. Mix with the remaining ingredients in a pot. Bring to a boil and simmer uncovered over moderate heat for 15 minutes. Roughly puree with a hand blender or pass through a sieve. Serve hot or cold. Ideal for barbecue food.