Couscous Rezept zurück zur Rezeptübersicht

Zubereitungszeit: 20 Minuten
Schwierigkeit: normal
150 g | couscous |
150 ml | vegetable broth |
1 | avocado |
200 g | vine tomatoes |
1 | apple |
1 | pomegranate |
2 TL | lemon juice |
½ TL | salt |
1 Prise | black pepper |
1 EL | Ras el Hanout coconut spice oil |
1 TL | coconut flower sugar |
3 EL | argan oil roasted |
Briefly boil up couscous in vegetable broth, allow to swell for 15 minutes and place in a salad bowl. Stir in Ras el Hanout coconut spice oil while the couscous is still warm. Chop onions, avocado, vine tomatoes and apple into dice and fold in. Cut pomegranate in half, remove seeds with a tablespoon and add to the bowl. Prepare a dressing from lemon juice, salt, pepper, coconut flower sugar and roasted argan oil. Pour over the salad right before serving.