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Fennel salad with cherry kernel oil Rezept zurück zur Rezeptübersicht

Fennel salad with cherry kernel oil Zutaten für 4 Personen

Zubereitungszeit: 20 Minuten

Schwierigkeit: einfach


2 fennel bulb
2 apples
150 grocket salad
30 gwalnut kernels
4 ELcherry kernel oil
2 ELm or ello cherry vinegar
1 TLagave syrup
salt and pepper

Wash and clean the fennel and cut into thin slices. Cut off the fennel greens, chop finely and set aside. Wash the apples, remove the seeds and cut into thin slices. Wash and drain the rocket salad. Mix the fennel, rocket salad and apple together. Mix the cherry kernel oil with the morello cherry vinegar and agave syrup. Add a little salt and pepper. Roughly chop the walnuts, roast in a pan without oil and leave to cool. Mix everthing together and serve the salad.

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