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Lamb's lettuce with strawberries and walnuts Rezept zurück zur Rezeptübersicht

Lamb's lettuce with strawberries and walnuts Zutaten für 4 Personen

Zubereitungszeit: 15 Minuten

Schwierigkeit: einfach


150 glamb's lettuce
300 gstrawberries
50 gwalnuts
1 TLcoconut flower sugar or cane sugar
3 ELwalnut oil
2 ELCrema del B or go
salt and pepper

Wash lamb's lettuce, allow to drip and place in a bowl. Wash the strawberries, remove stalks, cut in half and place in a bowl. Chop walnuts, toast in a pan without oil and caramelise with coconut flower sugar or cane sugar. Add to salad. Prepare a dressing from walnut oil, Crema del Borgo, salt and pepper. Pour over the salad right before serving.

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