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Piquant quinoa salad with avocado Rezept zurück zur Rezeptübersicht

Piquant quinoa salad with avocado Zutaten für 4 Personen

Zubereitungszeit: 25 Minuten

Schwierigkeit: normal


125 gquinoa
1 avocado
1 red onion
1 red bell pepper
100 gtomatoes
100 gmaize
1 Bundfresh c or iander
1 clove of garlic
3 ELargan oil roasted
0.5 TLchili spice oil or tando or i spice oil
2 ELraspberry vinegar
1 TLhoney or agave syrup
salt and pepper

Wash quinoa and bring to the boil in a pot with 250 ml water. Cover with a lid and simmer for around 12 minutes. Let swell for another 10 minutes. Cut avocado and bell pepper into small dice, cut onion into rings and tomatoes into quarters. Finely chop the garlic and place in a bowl with maize and quinoa. Prepare a dressing from argan oil, chili spice oil or tandoori spice oil, raspberry vinegar and honey. Season with salt and pepper. Pour over the salad right before serving and toss over. Garnish with coriander.

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