Tandoori chicken Rezept zurück zur Rezeptübersicht

Zubereitungszeit: 45 Minuten
Schwierigkeit: normal
2 | chicken legs |
100 g | potatoes in the skin |
1 | ganic lemon |
1 EL | coconut oil |
1 TL | Tando or i spice oil |
1 Bund | rosemary |
1 | salt and pepper |
Salt chicken legs and brush with coconut oil. Wash potatoes and cook in the skin in salted water for around 20 minutes. Thoroughly wash the organic lemon and cut into 1 cm thick slices. Place chicken legs, potatoes and lemon slices in an oven dish and season with salt and pepper. Wash rosemary, allow to drip and scatter over the chicken meat.\r\n\r\nBake at 200 °C in the preheated oven (top / bottom heat) for 45 minutes. Brush the meat with Tandoori coconut spice oil or Tandoori spice oil after around 20 minutes. Season to taste with salt and pepper after baking. Goes well with pan roasted vegetables.
You can also cook the chicken legs in a contact grill for an extra crispy crust.