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Turmeric cookies Rezept zurück zur Rezeptübersicht

Turmeric cookies Zutaten für 8 Personen

Zubereitungszeit: 30 Minuten

Schwierigkeit: einfach


50 galmonds
100 gcarrots
120 gcocout flower sugar
100 mlcanola oil
1 egg
180 gspelt flour
60 goats
40 gpumpkin seeds
30 gsesame
2 TLturmeric powder
2 TLcinnamon almond spice oil
60 graisins
0.5 TLbaking powder
1 Prisesalt

Preheat the oven to 180 °C top / bottom heat. Finely chop the almonds, peel and rasp the carrots. Add coconut flower sugar, canola oil and the egg and stir. Add the remaining ingredients one after the other and knead into a smooth dough with a hand-held mixer. Form small balls with damp hands and place them on a baking tray with parchment paper. Gently flatten the dough balls. You can also use a moistened tablespoon to form the cookies instead. Bake for around 15 minutes until golden yellow.

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