Vegan butter Rezept zurück zur Rezeptübersicht

Zubereitungszeit: 10 Minuten
Schwierigkeit: einfach
50 g | coconut oil |
1 Prise | turmeric powder |
150 ml | canola oil |
2 EL | almond milk |
1 Prise | salt |
Melt coconut oil in a pot over low temperature and place in a bowl. Add the remaining ingredients and mix with a blender. Instead of almond milk, you can also use other vegetable milks like coconut or soy milk. Fill the warm mixture in a jar and allow to cool in the fridge for arond one hour. If stored in the fridge, you can keep the butter for around one week. You can also freeze it for longer durability. It is perfect as a spread or for baking. Also suitable for short frying.
With its bright yellow colour, tumeric powder serves as a natural dye and creates the typical creamy butter look. The vegan butter can be refined according to taste with other spices like garlic, cayenne pepper or curry. Instead of canola oil, you can also use olive oil.