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ORGANIC Brazil Nuts


Brazil Nuts
EU Bio
  • Natural and unroasted
  • sustainably packed in a glass jar with screw cap
  • certified organic
  • with valuable fibre
  • for refining cereals and salads
  • cover your selenium needs with 2 Brazil nuts a day
4,91 of 5 stars
from 560 ratings
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10,90 €*
350 g
31,14 € / 1 kg
*incl. 7 % tax plus shipping

Certified organically grown, natural Brazil nuts contain valuable monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are also rich in minerals. As Brazil nuts contain vegetable protein, they are suitable for a vegetarian or vegan diet.

Harvesting Brazil nuts

Brazil nuts, also known by many other names (e.g. Brazil nut), ripen on the Brazil nut tree, whose botanical name is Bertholletia excelsa. This tree grows exclusively in the tropical rainforest and is mainly found in the Amazon region of South America. Bolivia is the largest exporter of Brazil nuts, but Brazil and Peru also produce some of the nuts destined for foreign markets.

Brazil nuts grow wild and cannot be grown on plantations. The Brazil nut tree, which takes its name from the Brazilian state of Pará, takes around 20 years to produce its first significant crop - too long for plantation owners who want to make a quick profit from their crops. But the second reason is more important: the trees are pollinated by a single species of bee, a magnificent bee found only in the Amazon rainforest. This species of bee cannot be maintained on plantations. As a result, Brazil nut trees can only be found in intact tropical rainforests.

It can take up to 14 months for a ripe Brazil nut to develop. The harvest period is from January to March. Ten to 16 Brazil nuts ripen in each capsule at the same time. What we call Brazil nuts are the seeds of the Brazil nut tree, not the actual nut fruits. A Brazil nut fruit is a capsule, about 10 to 16 cm in size, surrounded by a hard shell. This shell contains up to 30 seeds, known as Brazil nuts, which have three edges and are also surrounded by a hard shell. This has to be cracked to get to the seeds, which are about 4cm across.

Brazil nut kernels
RainforestBrazil nut trees grow exclusively in the rainforest

The Brazil nut tree

Brazil nut trees are among the giants of the jungle. They can live up to 500 years and grow up to 50 metres high. Their trunks reach up to five metres in circumference and their crowns often tower above the other trees in the rainforest. The leaves of the Brazil nut tree grow up to 60 centimetres long and its large, yellow flowers are so deep that they can only be pollinated by large bees whose tongues are long enough to reach into the flowers. Because this type of bee only lives in tropical rainforests, all attempts to cultivate the Brazil nut tree in other regions of the world have failed. The nuts, which are surrounded by a thick, hard shell and take around 15 months to ripen, can weigh up to 1.5 kilograms and fall from the trees during the harvest period between December and March.

Poaching Brazil nuts is not without its dangers, as the collectors have to be careful not to be hit by a falling nut. In several areas of the Amazon, poaching Brazil nuts is one of the most important sources of income for local people. As a result, the local population has an increased interest in protecting and preserving the rainforest and thus the Brazil nut trees. The economic use of Brazil nuts is therefore an important contribution to the conservation of tropical forests.

Taste and use

Brazil nuts have a slightly sweet taste which makes them ideal for use in desserts, cakes and pastries. Brazil nuts can also be used to prepare salads, fish and vegetables. They are also used in cosmetics, sweets and oil. High in protein, Brazil nuts are a valuable food, especially when other sources of protein are difficult to obtain. It is also a good source of vitamins and minerals and a good source of unsaturated fats.

Recommended daily intake

Brazil nuts are particularly rich in selenium. 100g of Brazil nuts contain approximately 103µg of selenium. The German Nutrition Society recommends a daily intake of no more than two Brazil nuts. This amount can already contribute to your selenium intake. More information can be found on the website of the German Nutrition Society.



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from Heidrun Wichert at 17.01.2022
Super Qualität! die besten paranüsse, die ich kenne!
from Ursula Kientopf at 28.02.2022
Die Paranusskerne sind von besonders guter Qualität.
from Susanne Mai at 15.12.2022
Ich kann nur wiederholen, was viele Kunden schon zum Ausdruck brachten. Diese Paranüsse sind einfach der Hammer! Jede einzelne Nuss schmeckt, sie riechen lecker, sind super verpackt in dem hübschen Glas, das ich nach dem Leerwerden nutzte, um meine Energiekugeln zu verschenken, in denen auch ein paar Paranüsse drin verarbeitet... mehr >>
waren:-). Und sie sind eines der wertvollen Lebensmittel, die einen äusserst hohen Selen-Gehalt haben. Das allein macht sie schon wertvoll. Also für mich fast "Suchtcharakter"... ich nehme mir 3 Stück pro Tag und dann muss ich das Glas schnell wieder verschließen:-).
from Esko Leikkainen at 10.04.2022
Gute Nüsse. Das Glas mag ich auch. Mehr Lebensmittel sollten im Glas geliefert werden so lange die andere Verpackungsarten gesundheitlich nicht bedenkenlos sind. Mir ist natürlich auch bewusst, dass es auch so teurer und nicht so ökologisch zu transportieren ist. Kann man nicht alles haben. Geschmacklich hatte ich schon... mehr >>
frischere Paranüsse als diese aber da hat der Verkäufer natürlich ein wenig Einfluss solange man nicht nur frischgeerntete Nüsse saisonal verkauft. Wäre vielleicht auch ne Idee.
from Susanne L. Mai at 23.10.2024
Keine andere Paranuss kommt mit diesen mit! Es sind und bleiben die besten, die ich je gekauft und mit großer Freude verspeist habe! Keine eine Nuss ist nicht genießbar wie es zuweilen bei anderen Produkten der Fall ist... Ich mag die Verpackung in diesem schönen Glas sehr. Da ich gerne die Paranüsse in meinen... mehr >>
Schoko-Hafer-Hanf-Keksen verbacke, werden diese als Geschenk in diesem hübschen Glas weiter gegeben.
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