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ORGANIC Spirulina powder

Spirulina powder
EU Bio
  • 100 % pure spirulina powder from microalgae
  • perfect for smoothies
  • free from additives
  • gluten-free and vegan
  • from certified organic cultivation
4,76 of 5 stars
from 17 ratings
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13,90 €*
500 g
27,80 € / 1 kg
*incl. 7 % tax plus shipping
The organic spirulina powder from Ölmühle Solling is a purely vegetable powder without colorants, flavorings or preservatives.

Spirulina is a cyanobacteria, also known colloquially as "blue-green algae". The fact that spirulina is a cyanobacteria was only discovered after it was classified as an algae. The term "algae" has remained in common usage.

Spirulina has a dark green to blue-green color. The algae are native to shallow waters with a high salt content, especially in Central America, Southeast Asia, Africa and Australia. They have always been used as food by the people living there and are increasingly becoming a superfood in Europe too. Today, spirulina is particularly popular with health-conscious people and athletes.

Spirulina algae from controlled organic cultivation are gently dried and finely ground for our spirulina powder. The powder gets its intense green-blue color from the chlorophyll contained in the algae. The natural colorant is produced by the plants to convert the absorbed light into energy. The powder contains no colorants, additives or preservatives.

Reason for the name: Spiral growth

The microalgae spirulina belongs to the genus Arthrospira platensis and is characterized in particular by its high protein content of around 60 g per 100 g. The powder is a natural antioxidant. The powder is a natural antioxidant. It also has a strong alkalizing effect and can help to regulate the acid-base balance.

The microalgae owes its name to the way it grows: spiral-shaped. The powder has a typical spirulina taste, which is often described as earthy, grassy or slightly nutty. In 1974, spirulina was named "Best Food of the Future" by the World Health Organization.

Our organic spirulina powder is purely plant-based and contains no flavorings or preservatives. The powder is vegan and naturally contains no gluten or lactose. Gentle processing preserves the ingredients in their best form. The quality of the powder is guaranteed by German inspection bodies.


Spirulina gives food and drinks a green color. The powder can be taken as a dietary supplement, mixed with water or juice. The powder is also suitable for enriching smoothies and shakes, muesli and yoghurt. It is also an ingredient for dressings, guacamole or hummus. It is ideal for people who eat few green vegetables. The recommended daily amount is 4 g spirulina, which corresponds to around one teaspoon.



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from Claudia Abdallah at 27.09.2023
Was die Qualität des Produktes betrifft, gibt es nichts zu beanstanden. Aber mit der Pulverform komme ich nicht klar. Ich mag damit nicht mein Müsli, Porridge oder Mittagessen (und meine Zähne!) verfärben, geschmacklich ist es ja auch nicht neutral, und das Pulver ist auch nicht angenehm im Mund. Auch als Getränk in Wasser... mehr >>
eingerührt würde es mir nicht gut bekommen. Angenehmer wäre mir die Streuselform.
from Lara Stute at 14.10.2023
Sehr kräftige Farbe, nutze das Pulver für Smoothies. Für mich wäre es gut, es würde alle Pulver, die sie anbieten, noch in kleineren Verpackungen geben. Habe einfach zu viele Produkte von Ihnen, die ich alle auf einmal nutze.
from Cornelia Rebbereh at 09.11.2023
Die Farbe ist tatsächlich gewöhnungsbedürftig, vorallem morgens im Müsli. Ich verwende es daher lieber vermischt mit Wasser oder Saft als Getränk, also nicht mehr im Müsli. In Smoothis kann es auch sehr gut eingemischt werden.
from heike motikat at 31.01.2024
Ein halber Teelöffel Spirulinapulver kommt jeden Morgen in mein Frühstücksmüsli, so starte ich morgens mit dem guten Gefühl für einen wichtigen Bestanteil einer ausgewogene Ernährung gesorgt zu haben.
from Heike Scheele at 16.03.2024
Super, super Produkt🙋😀Ich nehme es grade zur Entgiftung u. Entschlackung. Dankeschön. Ich habe keine Heißhunger Attacken mehr. 👍Hat auch meinen Jodmangel ausgeglichen👍
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