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ORGANIC Black Cumin Press Cake

Black Cumin Press Cake
EU Bio
  • with precious essential oils
  • free from additives
  • rich in unsaturated fatty acids and protein
  • obtained through gentle cold pressing
  • supports natural gastrointestinal flora
4,70 of 5 stars
from 82 ratings
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15,90 €*
5 kg
3,18 € / 1 kg
*incl. 7 % tax plus shipping
Horse in a meadow

The seeds of the Egyptian black cumin plant (Nigella sativa L.) have been used for centuries as a spice and in medicine. The essential, double unsaturated linoleic acid dominates in the seeds of the black cumin plant. Another special feature is the high content of essential oils, ranging from 0.5 g to 2.5 g per 100 g, depending on the harvest year and growing conditions. Bitter and tanning agents such as nigellin and thymoquinone are also present. These are responsible for the extremely intense, slightly bitter taste, but also explain the popularity of black cumin for a variety of applications in folk medicine.

Black cumin seed cake as a healthy horse feed

The press cake produced from the cold pressing of black cumin is a high quality feed for horses. In veterinary medicine it is mainly used for horses with asthma and respiratory diseases. Black Seed is also used for allergic reactions, where it is said to have anti-parasitic effects and strengthen the immune system.

Our Organic Black Cumin Seed Cake for Horses is made from Egyptian Black Cumin Seeds by partial de-oiling through cold pressing. This very gentle cold pressing at below 40°C preserves the valuable ingredients in their best form. The press cake is free from additives and contains valuable unsaturated fatty acids and bitter substances.

The raw protein content of black cumin seed cake is around 35 g per 100 g. The press cake also contains around 12 g per 100 g of valuable black cumin oil. The valuable essential oils in black cumin seed cake can have a positive effect on the horse's immune system, respiratory tract and metabolic processes in the event of feed-related deficiencies. Black seed has a variety of effects on the respiratory tract and is thought to be antibacterial and antiviral. It can also act as an expectorant and bronchodilator. Regular feeding of black cumin seed cake can also have a positive effect on allergies in horses and strengthen the horse's immune system. Regular feeding of pressed cake can also help with moulting.

Protection from insects

Protection from insects: Flies, gadflies and ticks do not like the essential oils in black cumin seed cake. Feeding black cumin seed cake can therefore indirectly act as an insect repellent and contribute to the well-being of horses.

Also suitable for dogs

Our black cumin seed cake can also be used as a dietary supplement for dogs, although acceptance may vary from dog to dog as black cumin seed cake has a naturally bitter taste. Caution: Black Seed Oil and Black Seed Cake are poisonous to cats as, unlike horses and dogs, they cannot completely break down bitter substances.

Purely natural for people and animals

Our oil mill processes raw materials from certified organic farms into high-quality natural products. We do not use any additives.

Feeding recommendation

We recommend a daily feeding of 50-100 grams per pony or horse. The pellets can be fed on their own or mixed into the feed and can also be used as a horse treat. Due to its essential oil content, Black Cumin Pellets have a bitter taste and should ideally be mixed with other feed if the horse does not accept the pellets on their own.

For dogs we recommend 3-5g per 10kg bodyweight. Soak the pellets before feeding and mix into the feed. Start with a small amount to see if your dog tolerates the pellets. Discuss dosage with your vet if necessary.

Always store in a cool, dry and tightly closed place.

Caution: Black cumin seed oil and cake are poisonous to cats because, unlike horses and dogs, they cannot break down the bitter constituents completely.


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from Burkhard Mueller at 01.07.2020
Ich, als LowCarb Bio Veganer, schätze die Produkte der Ölmühle Solling, bei der ich regelmäßig bestelle. Der Service ist freundlich und kompetent. Zügige Bearbeitung der Bestellung, wertige Verpackung und schneller Versand. Das einzige, das ich zu bemängeln habe, für mich, der die Ware recht schnell... mehr >>
aufbraucht, müssten die Mehle, Kurkuma, Hagebuttenpulver nicht unbedingt in Metallverpackungen, Ökologisches Papier würde es auch tun. Eventuell eine Überlegung für die Zukunft.
from Torsten Quickenstedt at 19.07.2021
wird für den hund eingesetzt, der im alter vom immunsystem her schwächelt. hatte bereits bewährungsprobe bei kehlkopfentzündung, ging definitiv schneller zurück als bisher. er frisst die sticks allerdings nicht pur, obwohl er schwarzkümmelöl von der ernährung her kennt. ich mörsere siedaher und mische sie ins nassfutter,... mehr >>
so ist die akzeptanz bei ihm sehr gut
from Franziska Schwebel at 31.07.2024
Wird als Ergänzungsfutter in der Ration beigemischt. Pur ist der Geschmack nicht so beliebt. Und die Größe der Sticks / Kuchen wechselt - mal groß dann wieder klein --- deshalb nur 4 Sterne. Die kleineren können besser im Futter "versteckt" werden. Und die Großen müssen etwas zerkleinert werden. Für's Pferd
from Bettina Graefrenstedt at 08.04.2024
Riecht mir angenehm, das Pferd hat ein paar genommen, mochte dann aber nicht wirklich mehr. (Ich finde, er hat danach sehr gut aus dem Maul gerochen;-) ) Jetzt bekommt er es ins Mash, damit aber leider nicht täglich, insofern fürchte ich, dass es keinen großen Efekt auf Steckfliegen etc. haben wird.
from Jenny Hauch at 28.11.2024
Ich bestelle die Schwarzkümmelpellets als Zusatzfutter zur Linderung seiner Beschwerden durch Juckreiz als Allergiker. Ich hoffe damit die Heilung der kleinen Entzündungen der Haut unterstützt zu können. Ich bestelle auf jeden Fall wieder hier, sowie die Vorräte aufgefressen sind.
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