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ORGANIC Coconut Milk

from Sri Lanka

Coconut Milk
EU Bio
Sri Lanka
Fair for Life Zertfiziert
  • from certified organic NATURLAND cultivation
  • perfect for exotic dishes
  • creamy consistency
  • premium quality from Sri Lanka
  • from our coconut partner project Serendipol

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We can offer you the following product as an alternative:
Coconut Oil Coconut Oil Virgin from the whole kernel
Mill-fresh, cold-pressed virgin coconut oil with a mild coconut flavor, fairly traded from our Naturland project in Sri Lanka. This "Virgin Coconut Oil" is a specialty among virgin coconut oils, it is extracted from the whole coconut including its brown seed skin.
Coconut Oil Coconut Oil Virgin
Virgin coconut oil from fully ripe organic coconuts. From organic farmers in the Philippines and Sri Lanka. Carefully and properly processed on site into copra, from which the coconut oil is gently extracted. The brown seed coat that surrounds the nut is removed from this oil. The result is a snow-white coconut oil with a typical flavor. It can be heated to a high temperature and is also an ideal alternative to butter and margarine as a spread!
The coconuts for this coconut milk come from organically controlled cultivation.

Organic Coconut Milk adds a touch of the exotic to everyday dishes. Only organically grown coconuts are used in the tins of this Sri Lankan speciality - and there are no preservatives.

Creamy coconut milk is made from the pressed flesh of the coconut. It typically has a fruity, nutty aroma and an exotic flavour. Coconut milk is not the liquid inside the fruit. This is the coconut water, which tastes slightly sweet. It is clear, whereas coconut milk is white to slightly greyish.

The coconut

The coconut palm is also known as the “Tree of Life”. It belongs to the palm family. In the tropics, it is the most important crop. Almost all parts of the plant are used. The harvested coconut, the basis for our organic coconut milk and our Naturland Fair coconut oil, scores highly in terms of nutritional value. Although coconut fat and coconut milk contain many saturated fatty acids, the majority of these consist of medium-chain fatty acids, known as MCTs (middle chain triglycerides). One of these medium-chain fatty acids is lauric acid. It is valuable for adults and children and is an important component of breast milk. Coconut milk has a fat content of around 20 percent.

Coconut partner project “Serendipol” in Sri Lanka

Since the beginning in 2006, we have been supporting the Naturland Fair certified partner project Serendipol in Sri Lanka. The project supports small farmers in the ecological management of their coconut farms in the Kuliapitiya area. Over the years, more than 1,300 small farmers have joined the project and cultivate an area of more than 8,000 hectares. In the region, also known as the Coconut Triangle, fair payment and organic farming create good conditions for sustainable development. In addition to coconut palms, the many organic plantations also grow other crops for daily subsistence. This contributes to the fact that organic farming can be sustainable in many areas of life under these tropical climatic conditions. For the local people, this means secure jobs in coconut processing and thus improved living conditions and opportunities for future generations. Serendipol is an important development factor in this rural region and provides important impetus when it comes to promoting employment and education, medical care and community development.

Monkey Free Statement - monkey-free coconut harvesting

We guarantee that no monkeys are used to harvest the coconuts for our Naturland Fair organic coconut milk. An animal-free coconut harvest is a prerequisite for our choice of supplier. The organic coconuts are harvested by men who are fully trained for this work. The coconuts are harvested with long poles equipped with a sickle. In some cases the palm trees are climbed by trained workers and the fruit is cut off with a knife. We also guarantee that animal testing is never used in the development and production of our natural cosmetics.

Naturland Fair Seal

The Naturland Fair seal

The Naturland Fair label identifies products that meet our organic and fair trade standards. In addition to classic fair trade products such as coffee and chocolate, this also includes products such as milk and bread. Fair producer prices and reliable trade relations give producers in the South and in our country the security they need to invest in the future.

Cool opened coconut milk

Organic coconut milk contains a very small amount of the stabiliser guar gum. It should be shaken well before opening. The manufacturer recommends that once opened, coconut milk should be decanted, stored in the refrigerator and used within two days.


Coconut milk gives soups an exotic touch.

Coconut milk is a versatile ingredient that gives a creamy consistency and a touch of the exotic. It is used in cuisines around the world. The coconut speciality gives curries a creamy and mild coconut flavour. It adds a delicate flavour to hearty soups such as sweet potato soup, carrot and ginger soup or cream of pumpkin soup. Coconut milk also enhances savoury dishes such as Tom Kha Gai. When marinating, the milk adds a juicy coconut flavour.

Coconut milk can also be used as an ingredient in desserts such as puddings, waffles, crepes, cakes, ice cream and smoothies. It can be added to cocktails and even coffee drinks such as 'coconut latte'.

Coconut milk can be used as a substitute for water or milk when cooking rice to give it a mild coconut flavour. It can also be used to replace milk or cream in vegan and lactose-free recipes.


Mango smoothie with nana mint

Mango smoothie with nana mint

Recipe for a summer smoothie with mango and passion fruit. Rounded off with coconut milk and garnished with fresh mint leaves. Refreshing drink in the summer. zum Rezept
Chia pudding with cherry kernel oil

Chia pudding with cherry kernel oil

Chia pudding with coconut milk, cherry kernel oil, sour cherries and almonds. zum Rezept


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from Christine Graf at 22.10.2023
Das ist die leckerste Kokosmilch die ich je hatte - toller Geschmack und wunderbare Konsistenz - super für meine asiatischen Gerichte - absolut empfehlenswert
from Sandra Orkunt at 02.11.2023
Sehr gut ! Bislang mein Favorit bei Kokosmilch: die Creme setzt sich dick über dem Wasser ab - so ist es ideal, wenn man klassische Currygerichte mithilfe der Creme erst anbraten möchte ohne gleich die ganze Flüssigkeit in der Pfanne zu haben. Ideal und sehr guter Geschmack. Und auch noch fair gehandelt.
from Heike Lange at 22.10.2024
Die neue Kokosmilch der Ölmühle Solling gefällt mir wirklich gut. Der sehr hohe Kokosanteil ist sehr gut und kommt ganz ohne jegliche Zusätze und E-Stoffen aus. 200g Dosen wären auch toll. 400g Dosen sind schon groß. Geschmacklich wirklich sehr gut.
from Christel Becker at 03.11.2023
Schmeckt wunderbar. Gute Portionsgröße und aus fairem Handel. Auf den umstrittenen Zusatzstoff Carageen würde ich gerne verzichten! Man muss nur etwas länger aufschütteln. In der Bewertung deshalb ein Sternchen weniger
from Heike Lange at 26.11.2024
GENIAL! Das ist die beste Kokosmilch die ich kennengelernt habe. Ein sehr hoher Anteil von Kokos. Sehr lecker. Es wäre toll, wenn es die Dosen in der Größe 200ml angeboten werden würde, statt nur in 400ml.
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Specification and ingredients

Coconut Milk

Average energy and nutrient content for on portion (400 g)

917 kJ / 219 kcal
22 g
20,3 g
3,4 g
    of which Sugars
2,0 g
1,36 g
2,0 g
0,04 g

Please enjoy our products as part of a diverse and balanced nutrition.

As a product of nature the composition of the oil can vary, the given specifications are therefore average values.


Coconut milk (73 % coconut extract°*, 27 % water)

° 100 % Naturland Fair certified
*from controlled organic cultivation


Store in a cool and dark place.

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