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ORGANIC Rose Hip Powder

finely ground

Rose Hip Powder
EU Bio
  • valuable raw food quality
  • made from 100% organically grown rosehips
  • with vitamin C for normal immune function
  • vegan and lactose-free
  • tart and fruity taste
4,88 of 5 stars
from 4930 ratings
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11,90 €*
500 g
23,80 € / 1 kg
*incl. 7 % tax plus shipping
Rosehips on the bushBright red vitamins: Organic rosehips on the bush

Organic Rose Hip Powder is also known as Rose Hip Seed Powder. Hand-picked, ripe rosehips from certified organic farms in Argentina are processed with their skins to make Ölmühle Sollings organic rosehip powder. The organic fruits are dried at temperatures below 40 degrees Celsius and then gently ground. Mechanical grinding without the addition of heat preserves the valuable rosehip ingredients in their best possible form and allows them to develop their full potency. You can order top quality organic rosehip seed powder directly from us.

Natural product with no additives

Rosehip Powder is an all-natural, 100% vegan and lactose-free product that is guaranteed to be produced without the addition of preservatives, colourings or additives. For this reason, our rosehip powder may vary slightly in appearance and taste from batch to batch, as rosehip powder is a natural product. The rosehips from which our powder is made are naturally gluten free. However, we cannot technically guarantee that it is 100% gluten free (<0.5mg). Rosehip powder may contain traces of cereals that contain gluten.

Rosehip (Rosa Canina/Rosa Rubiginosa) is a type of wild rose with a high vitamin C content. The shrubby rose hip grows to a height of two to three metres.

Compared to powders made from de-oiled seeds, powder made from the whole seed with pulp and rosehip skin has a particularly high vitamin content of 400 mg per 100 g.

Variations in colour, odour or taste are normal in organic products, including our rosehip powder, and are due to the origin/country of cultivation of the raw material. Climatic conditions (amount of rain, hours of sunshine, etc.) can also alter the taste and appearance of an organic natural product. These differences in colour and taste do not affect the quality of our rosehip powder - on the contrary, natural differences in colour and taste show that we do not use any colouring or flavouring, but offer you a 100% pure product.

Rosehips picked

Rosehip Powder Uses

With a mild, slightly tart flavour, Organic Rosehip Powder is ideal for making tea, enriching smoothies, shakes, yoghurt, cereals and juices. The powder can also be used in soups and as a baking ingredient.

Enjoy our Organic Rosehip Powder as part of a varied and balanced diet. Recommended intake: approximately one teaspoon per day.

The powder is sensitive to moisture and heat and should ideally be stored in a cool, dark and dry place.

How Rosehip Powder Works

Rosehip powder contains high levels of vitamin C. Vitamin C is stable up to a temperature of around 190 degrees Celsius without losing its valuable properties and characteristics. The effects tested and scientifically proven by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) are called health claims.

  • Vitamin C contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system during and after intense physical activity.
  • It also contributes to the normal formation of collagen for the normal functioning of blood vessels (bones, cartilage function, gums, skin, teeth).
  • Vitamin C contributes to normal mental function and *contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system.
  • It also helps to protect cells from oxidative stress and to reduce tiredness and fatigue.
  • Vitamin C increases the absorption of iron and contributes to the regeneration of the reduced form of vitamin E.

Source: https://www.verbraucherzentrale.de/wissen/lebensmittel/nahrungsergaenzungsmittel/vitamin-c-erstaunlich-gesund-1915 (as of 11.04.2019)

Each health claim refers to a minimum amount of vitamin C. A minimum of 12 milligrams is required for the listed effects of vitamin C. In the EU, the recommended daily intake of vitamin C has been set at 80 milligrams. The average person should consume this amount daily to meet their vitamin C needs. The minimum daily intake of 12 milligrams should not be missed.

Enjoy Rosehip Powder from Ölmühle Solling as part of a varied and balanced diet. Recommended daily dose: about one teaspoon.

Dosage of Rosehip Powder

The recommended daily dose of rosehip powder for an adult is 5 grams (approx. 1 teaspoon). We recommend taking our rosehip powder with juice. The best way to blend the powder and juice into a smooth liquid is with a hand blender.


Rosehips and rosehip powder

Ideal for making tea, adding to juices and smoothies. It can also be added to cereals, porridge and yoghurt. The powder can be mixed with a hand blender to make it easier to dissolve. The recommended daily dose is 5 grams, which is about one teaspoon.


Smoothies with flaxseed oil

Smoothies with flaxseed oil

Recipe for smoothies with flaxseed oil. Garnish according to taste with unsweetened yogurt, half a banana, apple slices or granola. zum Rezept
Smoothie with rosehip powder

Smoothie with rosehip powder

Recipe for a smoothie with blood orange, papaya and fresh mint. With rosehip powder from organic rosehips. zum Rezept
Porridge with rosehip powder

Porridge with rosehip powder

Recipe for porridge with rosehip powder and chia seeds. Garnished with caramelised fruit. Ready in a few minutes - for a perfect start to the day. zum Rezept


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from Irmgard Klintworth at 29.10.2023
Wir nehmen täglich Hagebuttenpulver im Joghurt um einer Arthrose vorzubeugen.
from Wolfgang Heinz at 02.08.2021
Die angebliche Wirksamkeit dieses Produktes hatte ich in einer Gesundheitssendung im Fernsehen dargelegt bekommen und Hagebutten-Granulate in verschiedenen Reformhäusern erworben, allerdings zu Preisen, die nach meiner Auffassung jenseits von gut und böse angesiedelt sind. Die Wirksamkeit des Hagebuttenpulvers der Ölmühle... mehr >>
Solling ist auch nicht anders als ähnlicher Produkte aus Reformhäusern, nur eben wesentlich preiswerter. Und bei wirklich regelmäßiger Anwendung ist nach ein paar Wochen eine spürbare Linderung der Arthroseschmerzen spürbar. Dieses Produkt werde ich bis zu meiner Bedarfsdeckung auch weiterhin von der Ölmühle Solling beziehen. W. Heinz, Stützengrün
from Arthur Pflaumbaum at 22.03.2022
Zum ersten Mal haben wir das Hagebuttenpulver als Nahrungsergänzung aufgrund des Vitamin-C -Gehalts bestellt. Das Pulver ist fein gemahlen, lässt sich sehr gut im Frühstücksbrei unterrühren und harmoniert mit den anderen Zutaten darin sehr gut. Leider ist die einzig angebotenene 500g Tüte äußerst groß, hält zwar... mehr >>
dementsprechend lange vor, jedoch kann im Laufe einer Lagerung im allgemeinen ein Vitamin-C-Gehalt merklich schwinden. Daher sind wir etwas skeptisch bei zu langer Verbrauchsdauer. Wir werden das Hagebuttenpulver mit anderen Haushalten teilen, damit es möglichst zeitnah verzehrt werden kann. Wegen der Groß-Packung für uns nur 4 Sterne.
from Wencke Kloos at 02.03.2020
Verpackung sehr hochwertig, das Pulver läßt sich wunderbar in Müsli und Joghurt untermischen, geschmacklich normal. Wenn man es in Flüssigkeit auflösen möchte sprich Wasser dann eher Zimmertemperatur oder Leitungswasser leicht lauwarm. Ich nehme es erst seit 1,5 Wochen täglich morgens und abends der Zeitraum ist noch zu... mehr >>
kurz um ein positives Ergebnis feststellen zu können. Daher kann ich es was die Wirkung betrifft noch net weiter empfehlen. Vielleicht in 2 Monaten. LG
from Irmgard Gramke at 03.11.2020
Ich habe nur vier Punkte vergeben, weil ich mich mit dem Pulver noch nicht recht anfreunden kann, liegt aber wohl nicht am gut und fein vermahlenem Pulver, sondern an mir. Ich schaffe es noch nicht, dass es sich problemlos auflöst, sondern habe kleine Klümpchen, egal womit ich es probiere. Ich werde es aber auf jeden Fall... mehr >>
weiter nehmen und mich daran gewöhnen, da es ja gesund sein soll.
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