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ORGANIC Safflower Oil


Safflower Oil
EU Bio
Non EU agriculture
  • certified organic
  • cold pressed from hulled safflower seeds
  • contains around 80g linoleic acid per 100g
  • for steaming, dressings and dips
  • vegan, lactose and gluten free
4,88 of 5 stars
from 417 ratings
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Safflower Oil 500 ml
500 ml 11,90 €
11,90 €*
500 ml
23,80 € / 1 l
*incl. 7 % tax plus shipping
Thistles in a field

Organic cold-pressed safflower oil is a high-quality cooking oil for hot and cold dishes. It has a golden to slightly reddish colour and a pleasantly mild, nutty flavour. Safflower oil from the Ölmühle Solling can be used in salad dressings, dips and quark dishes. Smoothies also benefit from a dash of safflower oil - the fat-soluble vitamins in the smoothie are better absorbed by the body. Safflower oil also enhances raw vegetables. Safflower oil can also be used in sauces of all kinds. A few drops of safflower oil can also be added to warm pasta dishes, vegetables, potato dishes and meat. However, due to its high linoleic acid content, safflower oil is not suitable for heating or frying. It should only be added to hot dishes just before serving.

Valuable linoleic acid

Of all vegetable oils, safflower oil contains the most linoleic acid (approximately 80 g per 100 g), which helps to maintain normal blood cholesterol levels. The positive effect is achieved with a daily intake of 10g of linoleic acid. This is equivalent to 12.5 g of safflower oil (approx. 2 tablespoons of 6 g each).

Suitable for skin care

As well as being tasty and having a favourable fatty acid composition, safflower oil is also suitable for skin care. It can be used as a base for homemade creams or applied directly to the skin. The high linoleic acid content of safflower oil ensures that it is absorbed quickly and does not form an oily film on the skin. This makes it suitable for facial care, for both dry and oily skin. Safflower oil can be used as a night cream, but can also be applied to the skin in the morning before applying make-up. Safflower oil makes the skin less tight and less flaky. Safflower oil makes very dry areas of skin, such as the elbows, supple again. People with very sensitive skin and those with allergies should first treat a small area of skin with safflower oil to see if their skin can tolerate safflower oil.


Safflower oil is ideal for use in hot and cold dishes. Salads and dressings in particular are delicious with safflower oil. Safflower oil is also recommended for steaming vegetables.


Basic dressing recipe

Basic dressing recipe

Classic recipe for a summer salad dressing with our cold-pressed oils fresh from the mill. Refined with garden herbs like parsley and chives. zum Rezept


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from Jarmila Böhm at 24.10.2023
Ich kann dieses Öl sehr gerne weiterempfehlen, für uns war es zwar bisher neu, wir verwenden es jetzt aber recht oft auf Salat und es schmeckt ausgezeichnet - auch bin ich ganz begeistert von seiner hautpflegenden Wirkung! Es zieht schnell ein und macht die Haut geschmeidig!
from Roswitha Schmid at 24.04.2024
Die Qualität hat mich überzeugt. Zudem ist dieses Öl geschmacksneutral, so dass es sehr vielseitig verwendet werden kann. Ich bereite damit eine Vinaigrette für Salat zu, aber ich verwende es auch zum Dünsten von Gemüse auf niedriger Temperatur. Dieses Öl ist auch sehr bekömmlich und in einer Braunglasflasche, so dass die... mehr >>
Verpackung ohne Kunststoff auskommt. Das ist gut für uns und die Umwelt!
from Ursel Menze at 14.10.2022
seit Jahren nehmen wir aus gesundheitlichen Gründen jeden Tag zwei Eßlöffel Leinöl zum Mittagessen. Zur Abwechslung habe ich diesmal eine Flasche Distelöl mitbestellt . Zumal Distelöl auch sehr gut für meine alte Hündin ist. Ich muß sagen, Distelöl schmeckt mir auch sehr gut und hat mal eine andere gesundheitliche... mehr >>
from Dina El Sawaf at 24.07.2023
Ich hatte bisher immer ein anderes Distelöl. Geschmacklich kann man sie leider gar nicht vergleichen. Das andere schmeckt viel besser, alleine der Duft ist sensationell. Mit der Familie habe ich einen Blind Test gemacht. Das Ergebnis war schnell klar. Schade.
from Frank Willer at 22.04.2021
Das erste Mal Distelöl und ich bin überrascht wie toll das zu Gemüawauppe passt. Auch mit Kartoffeln als Kartoffelbrei habe ich es schon gegessen. Sehr lecker und gar nicht distelig.
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Specification and ingredients

Safflower Oil

Average energy and nutrient content for 100 g

3700 kJ / 900 kcal
100 g
9,3 g
11,0 g
79,7 g
0 g
    of which Sugars
0 g
0 g
0 g
0 g


Please enjoy our products as part of a diverse and balanced nutrition.

As a product of nature the composition of the oil can vary, the given specifications are therefore average values.


Safflower oil, certified organic


9 - 12 months


Store in a cool and dark place.

Fatty acids diagram

saturated fatty acids
9,3 g
monounsaturated fatty acids
11,0 g
diunsaturated fatty acids (Omega-6)
79,3 g
triple unsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3)
0,4 g

Botanical name: Carthamus tinctorius L.


The oil-rich (>50%) seeds that are processed into safflower oil come from the safflower plant, also known as the thistle or safflower. Safflower is grown mainly in the Mediterranean region, Central Asia (India) and the USA. There are also organic farms in Australia that grow safflower. The plant also grows in northern Europe, but its seeds contain very little oil.

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