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ORGANIC Rapeseed Oil


Rapeseed Oil
EU Bio
EU agriculture
  • gently cold-pressed from hulled organic canola seed
  • extra mild taste
  • high in monounsaturated oleic acid
  • suitable for steaming and frying
  • in salads, dips, marinades and sauces
4,92 of 5 stars
from 2178 ratings
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Rapeseed Oil 500 ml
500 ml 6,90 €
6,90 €*
500 ml
13,80 € / 1 l
*incl. 7 % tax plus shipping

Rapeseed oil is made from freshly harvested rapeseed by cold pressing the hulled seeds. It has a milder taste than rapeseed oil and is more suitable for frying and baking. In the case of rapeseed oil, the black hulls are separated from the rapeseed kernel before pressing. This means that rapeseed oil is made exclusively from the tiny golden-yellow rapeseed kernels in a particularly gentle cold pressing process, whereas the whole rapeseed is pressed to make colza oil.

Both rapeseed oil and colza oil are considered the most valuable edible oils, with a wide range of uses in hot and cold dishes. Its low saturated fat content, high monounsaturated oleic acid and balanced ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 essential fatty acids make rapeseed oil a highly recommended oil for daily use. Cold-pressed organic rapeseed oil will keep for up to 12 months if stored as recommended (tightly closed in a dark bottle, away from light and in a cool place).


Rapeseed oil is a valuable edible oil with a wide range of uses in hot and cold dishes. The fatty acid spectrum of rapeseed oil is nutritionally even more valuable than that of olive oil, as it also contains approximately 30% polyunsaturated fatty acids. Its mild, nutty flavour goes well with salads. Because of its relative temperature stability, rapeseed oil is also good for steaming and cooking, as well as baking and frying. Rapeseed oil stays liquid in the fridge, making it ideal for marinating cheeses and antipasti. It also goes well with eggs and dairy products (e.g. in yoghurt dressings or mayonnaise). Rapeseed oil is therefore ideal for a balanced diet and for everyday use in the kitchen.


German apple pie

German apple pie

German apple pie is popular with children and adults alike. With juicy apples, fresh lemon juice and cinnamon. Refined with vanilla almond spice oil. zum Rezept
Basic dressing recipe

Basic dressing recipe

Classic recipe for a summer salad dressing with our cold-pressed oils fresh from the mill. Refined with garden herbs like parsley and chives. zum Rezept


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from Martina Kruse-Jacobsen at 09.04.2022
Das Rapsöl von der Sollinger Ölmühle möchte ich nicht mehr in der Küche missen. Zum Braten ist es ideal und gesund. Es hat eine schöne Farbe und einen unaufdringlichen Geschmack.
from Hiltrud Scharnhorst at 22.03.2022
Öl ist in Ordnung, immer frisch und gut für meine Gemüsepfanne. Allerdings mag ich den Geruch beim Erhitzen nicht so sehr. Aber das ist halt eine sehr persönliche Empfindung.
from Andreas Matthes at 29.02.2024
Geschmacklich fehlt mir der Vergleich, kaufe gern wenn möglich regional ein. Vertraue darauf das der Raps aus Deutschland ist und finde natürlich auch den Ausgießer klasse.
from Gerald Graser at 25.01.2020
Wollte mal den Unterschied zwischen Rapskernöl und Rapsöl testen . Gute Sache. Aber ich bleibe beim Rapsöl.
from Claudia Heinicke at 02.01.2023
Dieses Öl ist bei mit ständig im Gebrauch. Es lässt sich gut erhitzen und schmeckt einfach gut.
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Specification and ingredients

Rapeseed Oil

Average energy and nutrient content for 100 g

3700 kJ / 900 kcal
100 g
7,5 g
65,1 g
27,4 g
0 g
    of which Sugars
0 g
0 g
0 g
0 g

Please enjoy our products as part of a diverse and balanced nutrition.

As a product of nature the composition of the oil can vary, the given specifications are therefore average values.


Rapeseed kernel oil, certified organic


9 - 12 months


Store in a cool and dark place.

Fatty acids diagram

saturated fatty acids
7,5 g
monounsaturated fatty acids
65,1 g
diunsaturated fatty acids (Omega-6)
19,7 g
triple unsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3)
7,7 g

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