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ORGANIC Coriander Fennel Dill Spice Oil

Coriander Fennel Dill Spice Oil
Naturland Zertfiziert EU Bio
EU- / non EU agriculture
  • with freshly milled and cold pressed organic rapeseed oil
  • enriched with coriander, fennel and dill
  • rich in monounsaturated fats
  • flavour fish dishes, salads, vegetables and dips
  • vegan, lactose-free and gluten-free
4,85 of 5 stars
from 332 ratings
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Coriander Fennel Dill Spice Oil 100 ml
100 ml 5,90 €
5,90 €*
100 ml
59,00 € / 1 l
*incl. 7 % tax plus shipping

Our Coriander, Fennel & Dill Seasoning Oil is a blend of cold-pressed organic rapeseed oil with fennel, coriander and dill. It stimulates the appetite and aids digestion.

It is particularly suitable for fish dishes. It also enhances colourful salads, vegetable terrines, dips and sauces and vegetable soups. It adds a fresh flavour to marinades and chutneys.

Made with precious rapeseed oil from Germany

Anyone who has ever cycled through the Weserbergland hills in late April or early May will have noticed the many yellow fields when the rapeseed is in bloom. But rapeseed is not just rapeseed: for our fine, cold-pressed edible oil we use only organically grown rapeseed, which is fortunately grown by a number of organic farmers in our region. We know that our rapeseed has not been artificially fertilised with slurry, sewage sludge or artificial fertiliser, has not been treated with herbicides or pesticides and has not been genetically modified.

That is why, year after year, we sign fixed cultivation contracts with certified organic farmers in the area and are happy to pay fair prices - so that we can continue to produce cold-pressed, virgin organic rapeseed oil for you in our oil mill. Discover this culinary treasure from our Weserbergland region. Known as the 'olive oil of the north', our organic rapeseed oil is even higher in polyunsaturated fatty acids than the 'olive oil of the south'. We use it as the base for our Coriander, Fennel & Dill Seasoning Oil.


Coriander, Fennel & Dill Seasoned Oil is ideal for preparing colourful salads, vegetable terrines, dips and sauces, fish dishes and vegetable soups, as well as adding fresh flavour to marinades and chutneys.




Shakshuka is an Israeli dish - poached eggs in tomato sauce with spices like turmeric powder, cardamom and cumin. zum Rezept
Herring with horseradish sauce

Herring with horseradish sauce

Herring fillets with a marinade from heavy sour cream, pickled cucumbers and apples. Delicious with potatoes in the skin and seasoned with our horseradish spice oil. zum Rezept
Salmon with creamy spinach sauce

Salmon with creamy spinach sauce

Recipe for juicy salmon fillets in a creamy sauce with baby spinach and fresh cherry tomatoes. Tip: Serve with zucchini noodles for a low-carb dish. zum Rezept


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from Anca Baraba at 10.12.2022
Diesmal zum zweiten Mal bestellt, da es beim ersten Mal zu schnell ausging. Sehr lecker, aromatisch: nicht zu aufdringlich und nicht zu fad, alles lecker und sehr wohl bekömmlich. Somit bekommen mal unsere unterschiedlichen Salate, auch mal immer wieder unterschiedlichen Aromen. Eine genussvolle Abwechslung und auch gesunde und... mehr >>
erlesene Entscheidung. Toll, dass es auch diese Geschmacksidee erfunden wurde. Weiter so! Wird bestimmt wieder bestellt.
from Hannelore Proebsting at 28.09.2020
Befürchte, ich werde süchtig auf Koriander-Fenchel-Dill Würzöl. 😀 Hab es natürlich zunächst bei einem leckeren grünen Salat probiert, dann ein Risotto mit Garnelen damit noch peppen können und unser gegrillte Merlan hat auch dadurch gewonnen. So lecker. 😊
from Annegret Bokermann at 17.09.2023
Interessante Mischung. Wer sich frisches Korianderaroma vorstellt, liegt falsch. Schmeckt gut habe aber noch nicht so viel damit gewürzt. Über einem Nudelgericht war es aber schon einmal sehr lecker. Stelle mir das Öl gut im Gurkensalat vor.
from Ute Fiuza at 03.10.2023
Das Koriander-Fenchel-Dill Würzöl darf in meiner Küche nicht mehr fehlen. Zu Salaten und besonders über Tomaten schenkt das Öle ein einzigartiges Aroma. Besonders jetzt in der Tomatenzeit benutze ich es jeden Tag.
from Sandra Orkunt at 02.01.2023
Frisch und würzig. Jedoch hätte ich mir frisches Korianderkraut zu den Fenchel/Dill Noten gewünscht. Es schmeckt stark nach den getrockneten Korianderfrüchten, demnach anders als erwartet, aber trotzdem lecker!
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Specification and ingredients

Coriander Fennel Dill Spice Oil

Average energy and nutrient content for 100 g

3700 kJ / 900 kcal
100 g
7,5 g
65,1 g
27,4 g
0 g
    of which Sugars
0 g
0 g
0 g
0 g

Please enjoy our products as part of a diverse and balanced nutrition.

As a product of nature the composition of the oil can vary, the given specifications are therefore average values.


Rapeseed oil*, coriander*, fennel*, dill*

*certified organic


9 - 12 months


Store in a cool and dark place.

Fatty acids diagram

saturated fatty acids
7,5 g
monounsaturated fatty acids
65,1 g
diunsaturated fatty acids (Omega-6)
19,7 g
triple unsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3)
7,7 g

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