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ORGANIC Almond Oil


Almond Oil
EU Bio
EU agriculture
  • gently cold pressed from sweet, unroasted organic almonds
  • mild taste
  • high in monounsaturated fatty acids
  • ideal for preparing light meals
  • also suitable for preparing meals for young children
4,93 of 5 stars
from 1641 ratings
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Almond Oil 100 ml
100 ml 7,90 €
Almond Oil 250 ml
250 ml 12,90 €
Almond Oil 500 ml
500 ml 19,90 €
7,90 €*
100 ml
79,00 € / 1 l
*incl. 7 % tax plus shipping
12,90 €*
250 ml
51,60 € / 1 l
*incl. 7 % tax plus shipping
19,90 €*
500 ml
39,80 € / 1 l
*incl. 7 % tax plus shipping
Mandel-Blüte im Frühling
Almond blossom in spring

Reife Mandeln vor der Ernte
Ripe almonds before harvest

Ölmühle Sollings cold-pressed almond oil is a high quality edible oil made from unroasted, organically grown almonds. Pure Almond Oil has a pale, yellow colour and a mild almond flavour and aroma. The oil is rich in valuable ingredients such as the unsaturated fatty acid oleic acid. This is around 68g per 100g, similar to olive oil. Replacing saturated fatty acids with unsaturated fatty acids in the diet helps to maintain normal blood cholesterol levels. Oleic acid is a monounsaturated fatty acid. Almond oil is also similar in composition to apricot kernel and plum kernel oil.


The botanical name of the almond tree is Prunus dulcis Rosaceae. At the Ölmühle Solling, organic almond oil is obtained by cold pressing the ripe fruit of the almond tree. Almond trees prefer the climate of warm, temperate zones such as Spain or Sicily, where the almonds for our almond oils come from. The almond is an elongated, egg-shaped drupe with a rough, grey, leathery skin. There are sweet and bitter almonds. However, only sweet almonds are pressed to produce edible oil. Almonds contain about 60% almond oil.

Use of almond oil

Cold pressed pure almond oil is excellent for preparing mild and light dishes. It is also well tolerated by babies and young children. Almond oil can also be used for light heating. However, as it can lose some of its valuable ingredients when heated, it is best to use the oil primarily for refining salads and raw vegetables, for baking and for steaming. Cold pressed almond oil has a mild flavour, making it an ideal base for dressings and marinades. Almond oil is also ideal for breakfast in cereals or desserts due to its sweet and typical almond flavour.

Benefits of almond oil for the skin

In addition to its use in the kitchen, almond oil is also an ideal skin care oil for all skin types. It is a moisturising skin care oil for the face and body with a skin protecting effect. It penetrates deeply into the skin and is well tolerated. Almond oil is suitable for daily use as well as a gentle massage or bath oil and is a common ingredient in skin care oil blends, body lotions and massage oils. Almond oil is ideal for baby care.

Storage and Shelf Life

Almond oil will keep for up to 12 months if stored unopened, protected from light and at a temperature of 10-20°C. Once opened, the bottle should be kept tightly closed and stored in a cool place.



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Quick and easy recipe for a salad vinaigrette with strawberries and almonds. Prepared with coconut flower sugar and our freshly milled almond oil. zum Rezept
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from Arthur Pflaumbaum at 22.03.2022
Bei dem Mandelöl handelt es sich um ein recht flüssiges, sehr helles, sowie im Geschmack und Geruch äußerst mildes Öl. Etwas anders als erwartet. Wir haben es als Pflegeöl für die Haut bestellt und sind noch in der Erprobung. Der Geruch ist binnen kürzester Zeit von der Haut komplett verschwunden.
from Maren Schmitz at 21.01.2025
Ich habe auf Mallorca Mandelöl kennen gelernt, das sehr intensiv im Geruch und Geschmack war. Da kann dieses öl leider nicht mithalen.
from Brigitte Griesbach at 04.08.2024
Schmeckt nicht intensiv nach Mandel. Da ich das Öl für eine Ölmischung verwende fällt das für mich aber nicht ins Gewicht.
from Brigitte Griesbach at 02.08.2021
Ich verwende das Mandelöl zum Herstellen einer Ölmischung nach Dr. Coy. Pur hat es mir zu wenig Geschmack.
from Stefanie Kessler at 25.05.2020
Für mein Empfinden ziemlich neutral im Geschmack, wird nicht auf meiner nächsten Bestellung sein ,).
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Specification and ingredients

Almond Oil

Average energy and nutrient content for 100 g

3700 kJ / 900 kcal
100 g
7,2 g
68,9 g
23,9 g
0 g
    of which Sugars
0 g
0 g
0 g
0 g

Please enjoy our products as part of a diverse and balanced nutrition.

As a product of nature the composition of the oil can vary, the given specifications are therefore average values.


Almond oil, certified organic.


9 - 12 months


Store in a cool and dark place.

Fatty acids diagram

saturated fatty acids
7,2 g
monounsaturated fatty acids
68,9 g
diunsaturated fatty acids (Omega-6)
23,9 g
triple unsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3)
0 g

Botanical name: Prunus dulcis, syn: Prunus amygdalus


The almonds used for our cold-pressed almond oil come from certified organic cultivation in accordance with EU Organic Regulation 2092/91.

Organic almond oil is characterised by its high content of the monounsaturated fatty acid "oleic acid", which makes it suitable for preparing hot dishes and for frying.

New long-term studies (e.g. EPIC study2008) suggest reducing carbohydrate intake to 30-40% and increasing the proportion of fat in the diet to 30-40% of daily calories.  After much hesitation, the German Nutrition Society (DGE) has now also endorsed this dietary recommendation. More saturated fats and high-quality vegetable oils not only make food tastier and more enjoyable, they also make people more satisfied and therefore more likely to make the necessary long-term dietary changes. In the current Dietary Fat Guidelines, the DGE confirms for the first time that there is no evidence that eating more fats and oils increases cardiovascular risk.     .

Conclusion: More fat and oil can be consumed, but the composition of the oils is particularly important. Monounsaturated fatty acids and a favourable ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids should be considered.

Literature references
Krist, Sabine, Buchbauer, Gerhard, Klausberger, Carina: Lexikon der pflanzlichen Fette und Öle. 1st edition. Vienna: Springer-Verlag: 2008.


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