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Wild Beechnut Oil

collected in the traditional way

Wild Beechnut Oil
  • pressed from wild harvested beechnuts
  • ptasty rarity
  • pnutty, tart flavour
  • delicious with salads, game and mushroom dishes
  • gently cold pressed
4,87 of 5 stars
from 265 ratings
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19,90 €*
100 ml
199,00 € / 1 l
*incl. 7 % tax plus shipping

Beech nut oil is a rarity among edible oils. At the Ölmühle Solling it is pressed from local, hand-picked nuts from the wild. Before pressing, the beechnuts are gently roasted for a few minutes, giving the oil an intense, nutty flavour.

The fruit of the copper beech

Beechnuts are the fruit of the copper beech. They are triangular and about 1.5 centimetres in size. The tasty beechnuts are surrounded by a firm, shiny brown shell. Beechnuts have a fat content of up to 40 per cent. They are rich in minerals, zinc and iron. Today, beechnuts are little known as an energy-rich food for humans. During the Second World War they were important for self-sufficiency due to food shortages.

As our beechnut oil is made from wild harvested beechnuts, organic certification of the oil is not possible. Of course, the collected beechnuts are 100% natural.

Beechnut oil

Today, beechnut oil from local forests is considered a real delicacy and is highly prized by gourmets and chefs as an ingredient in salads, mushroom and game dishes. The fine oil also adds a special touch to pasta and potato dishes and enhances winter desserts.

Useing beechnut oil

In fact, the small brown beechnuts can be used in the kitchen as they are. Ground into flour, they make a delicious baking ingredient for sweet and savoury dishes. Eaten whole, beechnuts are delicious in salads, cereals and as a topping for potato dishes.

Incidentally, beech trees only produce oil-bearing beechnuts every three to seven years. If the summer is too dry, the square shells are usually empty and contain no nuts. By producing beechnut oil, we are helping to preserve the copper beech in German forests.


Beechnut oil is a delicacy and not only enhances salads, mushroom and game dishes, but is also a popular culinary addition to pasta and potato dishes. It also goes well with winter desserts.


Rocket salad with figs

Rocket salad with figs

Recipe for rocket salad with figs. Refined with beechnut oil and Crema del Borgo, goat cheese and roasted walnuts. zum Rezept
Hummus with beechnut oil

Hummus with beechnut oil

Quick and easy recipe for homemade hummus with beechnut oil and Ras el Hanout coconut spice oil. Ideal with bread or as dip for vegetables. zum Rezept
Creamy pasta with mushroom sauce

Creamy pasta with mushroom sauce

Quick recipe for creamy pasta with mushrooms. Drizzle with one teaspoon of beechnut oil per portion and garnish with grated parmesan cheese and a twig or oregano. zum Rezept

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from Jörg Gottesleben at 12.11.2020
Außer Wertung ! Habe es nich nicht getestet.
from Pirkko-Maria Herre at 12.09.2014
Leider immer nicht Lieferbar !!
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Specification and ingredients

Wild Beechnut Oil

Average energy and nutrient content for 100 g

3700 kJ / 900 kcal
100 g
8,2 g
81,7 g
10,1 g
0 g
    of which Sugars
0 g
0 g
0 g
0 g

Please enjoy our products as part of a diverse and balanced nutrition.

As a product of nature the composition of the oil can vary, the given specifications are therefore average values.


Beechnut oil (collected from the wild)


9 - 12 months


Store in a cool and dark place.

Fatty acids diagram

saturated fatty acids
8,2 g
monounsaturated fatty acids
81,7 g
diunsaturated fatty acids (Omega-6)
9,7 g
triple unsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3)
0,4 g

Botanical name: Fagus silvatica L.

The triangular fruits of the copper beech are collected and hand-picked for beechnut oil. They are not organically grown, but come from the mixed forests of the Solling and Rhön regions. To make one litre of cold-pressed beechnut oil, we need about 10 kg of fresh, germinable beechnuts. This takes an inexperienced gatherer at least a whole day. After cleaning and drying, there are usually only 8 kg left. During the hand picking process, we take special care to ensure that no moulded beechnuts are included in the pressed material. The cold-pressed beechnut oil is then tested for aflatoxin levels. So far there has been no cause for complaint about the beechnut oil. Because of this, beechnut oil is not as cheap as other organic cold-pressed oils.

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