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ORGANIC Tomato Vinegar

Tomato Vinegar
EU Bio
EU agriculture
  • Made from pure tomato juice
  • has a hearty tomato flavour and mild acidity
  • pairs well with rapeseed, olive and sunflower oils
  • for enhancing salads, marinades and sauces
4,72 of 5 stars
from 366 ratings
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Tomato Vinegar 250 ml
250 ml 7,90 €
7,90 €*
250 ml
31,60 € / 1 l
*incl. 7 % tax plus shipping

Our Organic Tomato Vinegar has a tart note and strong tomato flavour. This vinegar rarity is made from long-simmered tomato juice using natural vinegar fermentation. It goes particularly well with rapeseed, olive and sunflower oils and enhances all kinds of salads, marinades and sauces.

By the way, the colour of our tomato vinegar can vary. Depending on the batch, the vinegar may have a reddish to yellowish colour. These colour variations are completely normal for organic products, including our tomato vinegar. If the opened vinegar darkens slightly over time, this does not affect the quality; on the contrary, natural colour differences show that we do not use colouring agents, but offer you a natural product.

Traditional production thanks to the mother vinegar

If you find a cloudy, gelatinous mass in an open bottle of vinegar after a while, it does not mean that the vinegar has gone off. On the contrary, it is a good sign that the vinegar has been produced traditionally and is not pasteurised: A so-called "vinegar mother" is forming. This is what experts call the important acetic acid bacteria that convert alcohol into acetic acid with the help of oxygen. When vinegar is opened, these natural helpers may become active again.

Vinegar in the kitchen

Our fine vinegars and mill-fresh oils can be used to make vinaigrettes in endless variations. The basic recipe is very simple: 1 part vinegar, 3 parts oil and salt and pepper to taste. Our vinegars are also ideal for seasoning soups, sauces and wherever a touch of acidity is needed. Tip: A splash of apple, sour cherry or blackcurrant vinegar in mineral water is particularly refreshing and thirst-quenching.


Mediterranean salad

Mediterranean salad

Recipe for Mediterranean salad. For the dressing, mix tomato vinegar, Mediterranean spice oil, olive oil, cane sugar, salt and pepper and pour over the salad. zum Rezept
Tomato carpaccio

Tomato carpaccio

Recipe for tomato carpaccio with black olives and aromatic dressing. Refined with fresh herbs and our Herbes de Provence and basil spice oil. zum Rezept
Barbecue sauce

Barbecue sauce

Simple recipe for savoury barbecue sauce. Ideal for grilled meat or vegetables. Refined with our cold-pressed barbecue spice oil and soy sauce. zum Rezept


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from Biegit Esper at 11.01.2020
Ganz besonderer Geschmack , kannte ich noch gar nicht so , habe Tomate/ Mozzarella Salat gemacht , nehme sonst immer einen guten Balsamico, jetzt habe ich mal den Tomatenessig genommen und war begeistert, da schmecken selbst die Winteromaten richtig fruchtig , obwohl der Tomatensalat wohlweislich in die warme Jahreszeit gehört ,... mehr >>
ein guter Balsamico hat natürlich auch weiterhin seine Berechtigung ?
from Christiane Kapteina at 29.10.2020
Leider ein ganz schlechter Geschmack. Habe ich auch schon telefonisch mitgeteilt. Essig hat keine rötliche Farbe, schmeckt auch nicht fruchtig nach Tomate, sondern nur sauer. Werde ich nicht mehr bestellen.
from Birgit Esper at 06.03.2020
Sehr fruchtiger, leckerer Essig , wir mögen ihn auch sehr gerne anstatt Balsamico am Tomatensalat , passt auch an jeden anderen Blattsalat oder zum Beispiel Linsensalat , absolute Kaufempfehlung .
from Astrid Mallasch at 15.09.2023
Ich liebe diesen Essig heiß und innig. Interessanterweise, nutze ich ihn gern im Nudelsalat in dem keine Tomaten rein kommen, aber die Säure gibt den Nudeln einfach einen Tollen Geschmack.
from Birgit Esper at 03.06.2021
Ich habe den Essig schon öfter bestellt , sehr empfehlenswert, feiner Geschmack , milde Säure, mal was anderes , passt zu sehr vielen Salaten , auch gemischt mit anderen Essigen ....
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Specification and ingredients

Tomato Vinegar

Average energy and nutrient content for 100 g

166 kJ / 64 kcal
0 g
0 g
4,8 g
    of which Sugars
3,5 g
0 g
0,7 g
< 0,01 g

Acid content
5 %

Please enjoy our products as part of a diverse and balanced nutrition.

As a product of nature the composition of the oil can vary, the given specifications are therefore average values.


Tomato vinegar, certified organic




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