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ORGANIC Hazelnut flour

partly de-oiled

Hazelnut flour
EU Bio
EU agriculture
  • mill-fresh from aromatic organic hazelnuts
  • still contains approx. 17 g hazelnut oil per 100 g
  • a source of fiber (23 g per 100 g)
  • rich in protein (28 g per 100 g)
  • in light-protected and resealable packaging
  • for baking and as an addition to muesli
4,82 of 5 stars
from 270 ratings
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7,90 €*
500 g
15,80 € / 1 kg
*incl. 7 % tax plus shipping

Aromatic hazelnuts are gently partially de-oiled and ground for this fine organic hazelnut flour. It still contains around 17 g per 100 g of hazelnut oil as well as vegetable protein and fiber. Ideal for all baking recipes involving hazelnuts and for muesli. Our hazelnut flour is vegan and lactose-free. The hazelnuts from which our hazelnut flour is made are naturally gluten-free. However, we cannot technically guarantee that it is 100% gluten-free (<0.5mg). The flour may contain traces of cereals containing gluten.

Valuable flours from nuts

Nut flours are produced during the extraction of cold-pressed vegetable oils by mechanical pressing. At Ölmühle Solling, we produce nut flours from many organic raw materials, such as walnuts, coconuts, hazelnuts and almonds. The deoiled press cake still contains an oil content of between 10 and 12 percent. Finely ground, it is suitable as a nutty, aromatic baking ingredient for delicious pastries.

In combination with flours made from corn, sorghum, buckwheat, millet, rice, amaranth and quinoa, nut flours can be used to create new flavor accents.

Nut flours are also a healthy treat, as they contain a high proportion of high-quality protein and more fiber than whole grain cereal flours. It is also a welcome ingredient for pot cakes, gingerbread or Hutzel bread as well as muesli and yogurt. We recommend adding 10 to 20 percent nut flour instead of baking flour. Nut flours should always be kept well sealed and stored in a cool place.


Hazelnut flour is suitable for making fine baked goods, as an additive to muesli and desserts, and for refining sauces and ice creams.


Hazelnut mustard crust

Hazelnut mustard crust

Hazelnut mustard crust is ideal to take meat, fish or vegetables dishes to another level. Mustard spice oil creates an extraordinary oriental taste. zum Rezept


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from Rasmus Hahn at 10.01.2021
Prima geeignet für Kekse, die Haselnuss schmecken sollen. Im Gegensatz zu z.B. Mandelmehl hat dieses Haselnussmehl einen schönen Haselnussgeschmack.
from Anna Don at 17.05.2021
Ich esse es täglich. Da es nicht so fein wie Mandelmehl ist, empfehle ich es im Smoothie nur mit Quellzeit oder eher im Müsli oder im Kuchen. Heute habe ich es in eine Rotkohlmasse gemacht, als Mehlersatz. Rotkohlpizza (Rezept von Anne Fleck & Co.) mit Ei, Olivenöl, italienische Gewürze mit Zwiebeln und Mozarella überbacken... mehr >>
mit Rucola serviert. Echt lecker.
from Christine Graf at 19.04.2022
Habe das Haselnussmehl mit Weizenmehl gemischt und Pancakes daraus gebacken - Vanilleeis und Haselnusseis dazu und fertig war der Nachtisch - meine Gäste waren total begeistert - und ich natürlich auch - dieses Haselnussmehl werde ich bei Gelegenheit als kleine Überraschung verschenken- das ist wirklich was ganz besonderes
from Beate Meuth at 12.12.2020
Ein wahrer Genuss! Das Haselnussmehl veredelt meinen Frühstücksbrei mit einem herrlich nussigen Geschmack. In Fruchtkugeln harmoniert es wunderbar mit Datteln oder Aprikosen. Es lässt sich auch gut mit anderen Samenmehlen mischen, wodurch leckere Geschmacksvariationen entstehen.
from Biegit Esper at 11.01.2020
War sehr gespannt drauf , wie dieses Mehl so ist , richt richtig schön nach Haselnuss, habe Baguette gebacken und 10% Haselnussmehl dazugegeben, Ergebnis war sehr gut , ganz feiner Haselnussgeschmack , beim nächsten Mal gebe ich noch etwas mehr dazu ...
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Specification and ingredients

Hazelnut flour

Average energy and nutrient content for 100 g

1700 kJ / 407 kcal
17 g
1,4 g
14,1 g
1,5 g
24,5 g
    of which Sugars
8,5 g
22,7 g
27,8 g
0,009 g

Please enjoy our products as part of a diverse and balanced nutrition.

As a product of nature the composition of the oil can vary, the given specifications are therefore average values.


Hazelnut flour, certified organic. May contain traces of the following nuts or oilseeds: almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, coconuts, linseed, sesame, hemp, pumpkin seeds.


6 - 9 months


Store in a cool and dark place.

Botanical name: Corylus avellana

The hazel bush is a widespread wild shrub in Europe, Asia and North America, which is mainly found as a cultivated form in Turkey and Italy. The fruits of the hazel bush are usually harvested by squirrels in this country. We therefore source the hazelnuts for our hazelnut flour from Turkey (Black Sea coast) and Italy (Tuscany) from organically managed and certified plantations.

The hazelnuts used for our finely ground hazelnut flour come from Naturland producers from certified organic cultivation in accordance with BIO VO 834/2007 and VO 889/2008 and 1235/2008.



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