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ORGANIC Pumpkin Seed Oil


Pumpkin Seed Oil
EU Bio
Austrian agriculture
  • made from unroasted organic Styrian pumpkin seeds
  • rich in vitamin E
  • greenish oil with a pungent flavour
  • the classic for pumpkin soup
  • in salads, soups, sauces and desserts
4,87 of 5 stars
from 1441 ratings
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Pumpkin Seed Oil 100 ml
100 ml 7,90 €
Pumpkin Seed Oil 250 ml
250 ml 13,90 €
7,90 €*
100 ml
79,00 € / 1 l
*incl. 7 % tax plus shipping
13,90 €*
250 ml
55,60 € / 1 l
*incl. 7 % tax plus shipping

Virgin pumpkin seed oil is an edible oil with a green colour and a mild, nutty flavour. To extract pumpkin seed oil from pumpkin seeds, the seeds are cold pressed mechanically in a small spindle press at a gentle temperature of around 35°C. What is special about this production method is that the pumpkin seeds are not roasted beforehand, as is usually the case in Styria.

We also offer roasted pumpkin seed oil from our oil mill. To make roasted pumpkin seed oil, about 30 per cent of the pumpkin seeds are roasted before cold pressing. After roasting, they are mixed with unroasted virgin pumpkin seeds and processed into oil in spindle presses. Virgin pumpkin seed oil contains high quality fatty acids. In particular, it contains vitamin E, which helps protect cells from oxidative stress. Make sure you eat a varied and balanced diet and lead a healthy lifestyle. Thanks to its special composition, pumpkin seed oil is used in cooking and cosmetics. Pumpkin seed oil will keep for up to a year if stored properly, away from heat and sunlight.

In September 2020, we welcomed a film crew from NDR to our oil mill. The report, Pumpkin Farmers in Harvest Fever, describes the special features of oil pumpkin and pumpkin seed oil production in our factory.

The Styrian oil pumpkin

Oil pumpkin from StyriaBright yellow with green veins: the Styrian oil pumpkin.

Not all pumpkins are the same: from the butternut pumpkin to the Hokkaido pumpkin, the nutmeg pumpkin, the patisson pumpkin and many other varieties, the variety of pumpkins is almost uncountable. Pumpkin seed oil is made from the seeds of the oil pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo var. styriaca). This is a variety of pumpkin that was cultivated in Styria at the end of the 19th century and was only known there until the 1970s. Compared to many other pumpkin seeds, the seeds of the oil pumpkin are not cream to white, but greenish. The oil pumpkin itself usually has a yellow-greenish skin and can be easily distinguished from the Hokkaido pumpkin.

In autumn, the ripe oil pumpkins are harvested with special pumpkin harvesters. The seeds are then removed, washed, dried and cleaned. They are then pressed at the Ölmühle Solling to produce delicious pumpkin seed oil, which is not only essential for pumpkin soup and winter salads, but also makes desserts such as vanilla ice-cream a delicacy.

Our pumpkin seed range

Cashew-pumpkin seed pesto

Finely ground Organic Pumpkin Seed Flour is another product made from Styrian pumpkin seeds. The seeds are first de-oiled and then ground into a uniform flour. Our pumpkin seed flour also contains around eight per cent pumpkin seed oil. It also has a high vegetable protein content of 62 grams and around 13 grams of fibre per 100 grams. The flour has a natural green colour and is gluten-free, making it an ideal alternative for baking bread and rolls.

Green Pumpkin Seed Coconut Spread is all vegetable and made with only two ingredients: Organic coconut oil and organic pumpkin seed oil. The polyunsaturated fatty acids in roasted pumpkin seed oil complement the saturated fatty acids in coconut oil. Coconut oil contains around 50 per cent of the valuable lauric acid.

A real favourite in our range is our Cashew Pumpkin Seed Pesto. It is lovingly handcrafted from cashews, pumpkin seeds and Parmesan cheese. Other ingredients include roasted onions, a hint of apple and roasted pumpkin seed oil. The organic pesto tastes great over pasta or as a spread, but also goes well with potato salad. It is also delicious as a dressing for salad greens.


Virgin pumpkin seed oil is ideal for use in hot and cold dishes - for example in salads, soups, sauces, cheese, meat and vegetable dishes and with vanilla ice cream. Pumpkin seed oil is not suitable for frying due to its high polyunsaturated fatty acid content.


Pumpkin seed pesto with wild garlic

Pumpkin seed pesto with wild garlic

Quick recipe for pumpkin seed pesto with wild garlic. Prepared with pumpkin seeds and pumpkin seed oil. Goes well with spaghetti, linguine, gnocchi or baguette. zum Rezept


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from Arno Marek at 03.07.2024
Die Reinheit dieses Öls ohne irgentwelche Zusätze. Das Öl ist für mich ein Medizinprudukt zur Regenerierung der Prostata. Nehme täglich drei Teelöffel ein . Kann es bestens empfehlen . Ich vermisse den nussigen Geschmack. Habe vorher ein Kürbiskernöl aus Österreich genommen nahezu gleichwertig mit nussigem... mehr >>
from Julia Gutenberg at 05.08.2020
Es schmeckt fantastisch in Suppe und Salaten. Frisch und nicht ranzig wie manch andere die ich schon probiert habe. Obwohl ich mich sehr gesund ernähre war ich nie der Salat-Typ aber hiermit schmeckt Dressing einfach anders weshalb ich mich immer riesig auf meinen Feta-Tomaten-Gurkensalat mit diesem Öl freue ^^
from Jutta Barth at 02.03.2020
Dieses Öl habe ich zum ersten Mal bestellt, bekomme es sonst von Freunden direkt aus der Steirmark mitgebracht. Ist zwar teurer, aber ich muss sagen, es schmeckt hervorragend! Wir verwenden es inzwischen sogar im morgendlichen Müsli (schmeckt so schön nussig)
from Birte Schulten at 15.04.2022
Das Öl ist nicht nur gesund sondern geschmacklich sehr gut. Ich werde es wieder bestellen. Wenn man den Flaschenverschluss aufdreht schiebt sich ein Ausgießer nach oben und es lässt sich sehr gut dosieren. Das gibt noch einen Pluspunkt extra.
from Lilo Herrmann at 13.05.2022
Das Kürbiskernöl verfeinert meine Suppe, wie Kürbissuppe, Möhrensuppe und auch Brokkolisuppe. Natürlich gebe ich es erst zum Schluß malerisch als feine Streifen (fürs Auge) auf den Teller. Es schmeckt nussig und etwas herb. Ein Genuß!
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Specification and ingredients

Pumpkin Seed Oil

Average energy and nutrient content for 100 g

3700 kJ / 900 kcal
100 g
19 g
35 g
46 g
0 g
    of which Sugars
0 g
0 g
0 g
0 g
Vitamin E
29 mg (240 % **)

**Percent of the reference quantity for the daily intake

Please enjoy our products as part of a diverse and balanced nutrition.

As a product of nature the composition of the oil can vary, the given specifications are therefore average values.


Pumpkin seed oil, certified organic


9 - 12 months


Store in a cool and dark place.

Fatty acids diagram

saturated fatty acids
19 g
monounsaturated fatty acids
35 g
diunsaturated fatty acids (Omega-6)
45,5 g
triple unsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3)
0,5 g

Virgin pumpkin seed oil is ideal for use in hot and cold dishes - for example in salads, soups, sauces, cheese, meat and vegetable dishes and with vanilla ice cream. Pumpkin seed oil is not suitable for frying due to its high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

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